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STCW Basic Safety Training Refresher

€620 EUR

Course Type:
Updated STCW Basic Safety Training Week (Package)
Training School:
Ħal Far Industrial Estate, Birżebbuġa, Malta
3 days

The STCW Basic Safety Training Refresher course is designed in accordance with the latest amendments to the STCW Convention regulation 1.14 and section A-1/14 of the STCW Code.

The aim of this course is to refresh the students’ theoretical and practical knowledge in relation to:

  • Elementary First Aid (STCW A-Vl/1-3)
  • Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting (STCW A-Vl/1-2)
  • Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities (STCW A-Vl/1-4)
  • Personal Survival Techniques (STCW A-Vl/1-1)

Class Limitations - The Class Size is limited to 12 persons.

Trainers - The course will be delivered by experienced lecturers at MMRTC.

Certification - MMRTC will issue Transport Malta approved Certificates on the merit of full attendance & pass final assessments.

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MaritimeMT, HHF041A
Ħal Far Industrial Estate, Birżebbuġa
BBG 3000

Tel: (+356) 021239170
Email: send message

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